
Aliens, Robots and... Seals? OH MY!

Hurrah, another contest entry!

This time it's for a contest being held by Wildwillowoods on DeviantART. The contest is called Aliens, Robots and... Seals> OH MY! Here's the rules:

"There are three topics ^_^ for triple the fun!

1. Aliens who like ice-cream
2. Robots who like to roller skate
3. Seals who like to shave
The goal is to convey the statement in a clear but creative way.

You may combine the topics into one pic.

You may make a pic. For each topic (but you may not win more than one prize)"

Guess which one I went for?


Free Sketches?

I'm doing this thing on DeviantART where ten people can get a free sketch from me. Yusecki was one of the first to tell me what she wanted: a swamp dragon (it's a Discworld thing). So here he is!


Sketching Again...

After the all-colour blow out of the last post, I though I'd put up something that I prefer - sketches. I don't mind doing full-blown inked and colured stuff, but I find that I tend to kill the drawing in doing so; my real strength lies in loose, quick drawings, that capture some kind of energy and immediacy. Well, I think that's the case anyway.

This one was done when I was at Imagimax in Thailand. They wanted us to do some concept art, taking a set of characters from Thai mythology and redesign them for a video game. This is one of the sketches I did of a Garuda.

This next one is just a sketch of a character I've been drawing on and off for a couple of years, and which I'm still trying to develop. This one's okay, but I think I'd prefer a looser, more 'cartoony' style.

What do you think?