
Trapped in a Box by a Cockney Nut Job

Okay, 18th October I'm trekking back to Caerdydd to see the Mighty Boosh. Live.

In the spirit of things, I'm dressing up as the second greatest boosh character...
the Hitcher!

I already have a black coat (thanks to
Kei); on the weekend I bought a spring-loaded retractable toy knife and a fake thumb (which was the base for the giant thumb in the top photo); I ordered gloves and a top hat (which I will glue polos to!) from ebay, and I'm also waiting for the boots to arrive.... I've made my solo polo peeper out of masking tape, cardboard and papier mache (see bottom shot!)

Now I'm waiting for the wig and face paint to arrive.....

p.s. This will also be my halloween costume hahahaha
p.p.s. The greatest character is of course
Rudi van Disarzio, but his afro is too mighty to even begin to contemplate!


It's all coming together....

Alright you bastards, I'm going to see the Mighty Boosh next Friday,  and in preparation have been putting together a Hitcher costume.  Today I bought toy knife (retractable), a fake thumb (needs some papier mache) and some PVA glue (needs Polos).  My hat and gloves arrived today, now I'm waiting for the boots and need to find the right face paint.... 



It amazes me to see artists, who are actually a bit rubbish, getting paid to draw cartoons for publications or similar. Seriously, without trying to be egotistical, I am much better than some of these people (and by the same token there are hundreds of thousands of artists who make my work look like absolute dross). It makes me realise that I could probably achieve a lot more if I were to make the effort.

In any case, I'm still plugging away at the daily sketch thing, but I've yet to sort out all my drawings and scattered files, so the blog is a bit empty at the moment (this is a knock-on effect of the big move to London in June). I'll keep you posted.


What Felony Are You?

I think you should take this test. It seems pretty accurate.

You Are Arson

No doubt about it, you have a serious destructive streak. You can't help it!

Sometimes you just get so frustrated with the world, and you have to let your aggression out

You have a notoriously bad temper. You are obsessed with getting your revenge.

You are obviously a pyromaniac, whether you realize it or not. It feels great to watch something burn.


Still Here - Now With Added Employment!

In case anyone actually comes by here anymore, I'm still alive! Nowadays I mainly use my other blog, for all my artwork and animation, which actually helped me land a job as a Flash game artist designer at Doof! It's a Flash social gaming website, so if that sounds like your kind of thing, click the link and take a look!

Here's me hard at work:


Them's the Breaks

Things have progressed since my last post. I did indeed travel to London on my broken foot. Yes, last time I said I had broken my toe, but I've since seen the X-rays and it's a fracture on the fifth bone of my foot, right at the base, so really it's my foot thats broken (hence the stupid cast). More on that later though.

So on Saturday, the four of us went to meet our landlady, sign some contracts, and hand over ridiculous sums of cash. Or rather, Kei and Allyn did, seeing as Alicia and I are skint. In any case, we now have the flat! Romana - the landlady that is - and her husband explained all the boring bits about heating, showed us the post box, handed over the keys and fucked off. All we have to do now, for the time being, is decide what lovely cheap furniture we're going to get from Ikea (we also have to set up Direct Debits, arrange internet access and telephone lines and all that business, but that can wait!)

It was absolutely crippling, though. Due to the stupid half-cast thing on my foot, I couldn't put any weight on it, leaving my to lurch from tube stop to tube stop on a pair of crutches that were mangling my hands - probably because I'm to fat to support my weight on a pair of plastic handles.

I'm alright now though! I went to the hospital today and had that cast taken off, and now I have a metatarsal slipper. This is basically a small open-toed cast with a rubber sandal, so now I can walk on my foot but I look like even more of a tit than before! At least it will be easier to get round London this Saturday to go furniture shopping....


A Visit From the Broken Foot Fairy...

As I may or may not have mentioned, I've been looking for a flat in London, to share with my fiance and a couple of friends. Whilst in London last weekend, looking at some places, I managed to break my toe. I was running to catch up with Kei and Allyn, and twisted my ankle. Or so I thought. After a visit to the hospital last night, X-rays revealed a fracture in the base of my little toe, and I was given a semi-cast type of thing. See how fucking ridiculous that looks? This happens to be the first bone I have broken. Ever.

In any case, the flat we are having is very nice. Look how nice it is. Want to see some more photos of it?


Job Satisfaction (2006)

My second year film. Still haven't figured out why Youtube throws my sound out of synch.


Beowolf: A Throbbing Piece of Shit

For anyone who hasn't seen Beowolf yet, don't. I only recently saw it, and I have to say that it sucks cock. If you did see it, and enjoyed it, fuck you: you have shit in your eyes.

Also, if you're wondering how they came up with the idea to design Grendel as a dorky looking deformed retard, I've worked out the equation:

Domnique Pinon + Keith Richards=

+ =



365 Days of Sketch

I've just joined in with this Project 365 thing... basically, I'm drawing an posting one sketch a day, every day, for a year. I'm on day 4 now; keep up with the action on my Sketch 365 blog.


New... Kind Of

Another comic?! What??
Well, I actually started this one last year. Only I didn't finish it until yesterday, and now it's up!



That's right bitches, Brutal Comics is back in action! I strongly advise you to sample its metal flavours right now!


Safety Pin Scorpion

I love receiving packages in the post. Yesterday I got my second ever package from the good ol' Yew Ess of Ay.


What was in it though? Well several months ago there was a competition on Bent Objects: write the best limerick about the Safety Pin Scorpion that Terry had made, and win it. I entered and guess what? I won (that must make twice in my life now)!


Not only did Terry send me the Scorpion - complete whith tiny plastic bubble which also contained a tiny replica hundred dollar note - but he included a packet of Circus Peanuts, what he describes as "Crap American candy"!

So I'm feeling very lucky today, even if it is April 1st (hahaha no one fooled me yet!). Click on the pictures to see more, or click here to go to be severely impressed!


Aliens, Robots and... Seals? OH MY!

Hurrah, another contest entry!

This time it's for a contest being held by Wildwillowoods on DeviantART. The contest is called Aliens, Robots and... Seals> OH MY! Here's the rules:

"There are three topics ^_^ for triple the fun!

1. Aliens who like ice-cream
2. Robots who like to roller skate
3. Seals who like to shave
The goal is to convey the statement in a clear but creative way.

You may combine the topics into one pic.

You may make a pic. For each topic (but you may not win more than one prize)"

Guess which one I went for?


Free Sketches?

I'm doing this thing on DeviantART where ten people can get a free sketch from me. Yusecki was one of the first to tell me what she wanted: a swamp dragon (it's a Discworld thing). So here he is!


Sketching Again...

After the all-colour blow out of the last post, I though I'd put up something that I prefer - sketches. I don't mind doing full-blown inked and colured stuff, but I find that I tend to kill the drawing in doing so; my real strength lies in loose, quick drawings, that capture some kind of energy and immediacy. Well, I think that's the case anyway.

This one was done when I was at Imagimax in Thailand. They wanted us to do some concept art, taking a set of characters from Thai mythology and redesign them for a video game. This is one of the sketches I did of a Garuda.

This next one is just a sketch of a character I've been drawing on and off for a couple of years, and which I'm still trying to develop. This one's okay, but I think I'd prefer a looser, more 'cartoony' style.

What do you think?



See that Feedjit thing over there on the right? It tells me what website people have come here from - usually Google. When I click on the links, it turns out that people most often find my blog by searching for "Lego Terminator" or "Mighty Boosh tattoo". Fair enough, these thing exist on my blog. Slightly more worrying, though, is the fact that someone found my blog by searching for 'little red riding hood porn'... perhaps stranger still is that one person searched for me by name: '"ash collins" bass'.

Quite bizarre...

Speaking of bizarre, look at this video of Phill's cat!

Phill's Freaky Feline from wesleyriot on Vimeo.


Continuing to Exist

I'm still here! I've been too busy in Bangkok ti carry on blogging here, but I am still going on my Tumblr blog (it's easier to update), plus I've got a Bangkok blog, although I'm way behind on putting stuff up there!

If you fancy, check out some photos from Thailand on my Flickr page:

Unfortunate Sea Creature: Pocky