

Right now I'm hectically scanning my dope sheets (also known as X Sheets. It's an animation thing. Look it up.), the deadline is STILL Friday and I STILL have 2 complete scenes to animate - and at least three to go back over. AND I have to scan half my layouts (ie, about 100 bits of paper). Fuck.

But on a side note, I bring this:

Yes, he does look a little 'flamboyant', I'll admit. It was inspired partly by Henry Flint's work on the recent ABC Warriors strip in 2000AD, and partly by a recent visit by life drawing expert Janine Breaker. She taught Disney people how to draw, doncha know!

Anyway, I found the lessons and lectures she gave, if nothing else, forced us to look a lot harder at body construction, and angles and shit. Still..... more work to do! Scan scan scan!!

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