

Yeah, Merry Christmas everyone. I know I'm particularly Non-Theistic, but I do enjoy Christmas as an excuse to give/get gifts and generally get pissed. As I've mentioned, I already got the main gift I wanted (th new phone), but I'm just happy that I managed to find everyone a gift. Tomorrow I'll be visiting the disparate elements of my family with my fiance, and eating two (count 'em, TWO) dinners. I hope everyone else has such a jolly time!

And yeah, I have no new art to share. Apart from this picture I drew a while ago: Caron asked me to draw her a robot cow (I won't go into it....)

See y'all on the other side of Crimbo!


Spiders & Monsters

First, an accidental Spider-Man sketch (I was trying to draw something else at the time!):

Also, while digging around me hard drive, I found and finished off these neon monstrosities:



Look, real artwork, as promised:

This is an entry for the Kincat club on DeviantART, a new club formed by my fiance and my friend. This month's theme is 'Joy'...

I'm also thinking of giving this blog over to purely artistic pursuits; create an online portfolio of sorts, perhaps. Wordpress looks pretty tidy, maybe I'll use that to vent my garbage everywhere.


Flick It

I finally succumbed and got a Flickr account, which is probably a mistake considering that looking at all of Huw's photos has got me hankering after a new camera again. At the moment, my account only has pics from my Sony Ericsson. Like this:

I swear, my next post will have some actual artwork on it. Honestly.


Holy Jesus Day!

Yeah, it's December, meaning that Christmas is hiding round the corner and is ready to jump out on me when I haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Arse.
As you can see, I'm well aware of how long is left until C-day thanks to my kickass Doctor Who Cyberman advent calendar. Not only does it contain bits of chocolate with Daleks and TARDISs and shit on, it has a number of "surprises" too (I'm guessing crap Dalek toys).

As far as gifts go, I've already had two; money for my passport from Mam, and my snazzy Sony Ericsson K550i from the eternally lovely Kei (which I've been using for photos lately). Yes I am spoiled! I asked my Dad to get me a M2 memory card for me phone, as 64mb just aint enough.

Back in the real world, the last two days of SAND were quite cool. Thursday belonged to Studio AKA, who blew me away with work like Love Paintballing. Love those guys. Friday I arrived late (and missed a talk about porn in anime, boo) but arrived in time to hear a talk about reflections and stuff in Ratatouille, which was quite boring. My interest was saved when Shelley Page from Dreamworks turned up and showed us a bunch of her favourite shorts; some good, some a bit arse. The best by far, however, was (unsurprisingly) a film from Gobelins called Okatapodi. I'll get a link to the actual film as soon as they put it online!

Also, Iwent back to Alicia's to get my tattoo coloured in (whilst actually watching the Mighty Boosh!) - it would have been finished, but I had to leave to catch the last train....


Well I'm Hooked

Anyone who glances at my Twitter box over on the right there will see
that I attended animation acting workshop by Ed Hooks at SAND. I'm too tired to write up the experience now, but I will say that he was smart, enthusiastic and above all funny - all key factors in good teaching. Expect a full update tomorrow; in the meantime have a look at the picture of him that I plucked from the internet.

Also, have some art:

Before I forget, here's a photo of my new (unfinished) Mighty Boosh tattoo, as inked by Hunchcat!


Mmmmm..... Cheeseburger

The only drawing I've done lately is character development doodles for work; and I haven't scanned them yet so I bring you this:

Yes, I've been playing with the Lolcat builder, using pictures of my cat, at I Can Has Cheez Burger. For most of today. To be fair though, I've had a lot of downtime, as I've been waiting to see Robin Lyons at Calon to get some feedback for our storyboards.

If I'm lucky, (and a good boy) Kei might be getting me a new phone for Christmas. It's a Sony Ericsson k550i, and I wants it. I think it will be handy for taking pictures and blogging when we go to Bangkok in January.

Also, I've been using Firefox a lot lately.
It's only because it's the default browser for EVERYTHING on my work PC, and I haven't been able to figure out how to change it. Although I've come around to it a bit more now that I've discovered how easily I can download and install new themes and add-ons. Really though, Internet Explorer does the same as Firefox... but better.


The Boosh is BACK!

Is everyone aware that series 3 of The Mighty Boosh started last night? Once again it returns to BBC3..... at 10:30 in the night. Seriously, you'd think with the gargantuan fanbase the programme has acquired, it would get a better slot!

Anyway, I'm pleased to say, it's awesome. Howard, Vince, Naboo and Bollo return, this time working in Naboo's shop, Nabootique (how very lol). In this episode, Naboo and Bollo bugger off on a stag weekend, leaving Howard and Vince to run the shop....

The best way to describe this is "the same, but different". It's the same mix of surreal humour and ridiculous songs, outlandish costumes and rubbish props, but judging by the little bits of crap CG creeping in, they've been given a bigger budget to work with. There are some well-loved secondary characters that return, as well as old faces in new guises. In short, it's the best thing since teflon elbow patches, and EVRYONE needs to see it. If you missed it, there's a repeat on Sunday at some point. If you miss THAT, I suggest that you use the intrawebz to illegally download it (NOTE: I do not endorse illegally downloading shit).

In more artistic news, here's a Flash picture what I done. The original sketch was done by Liquid-Genius on DeviantART, and he asked me to ink it. I drew the whole thing using the straight line tool, and am quit happy with the results.


More Robotzzzzzzz

This seems to be all I can draw lately. It's not too bad though, lets me work on poses and such.

Bangkok is coming closer..... we're heading off on January the 11th, and yesterday I got a suitcase and my combined Typhoid and Hepatitis A shots (I'm happy to say, no ill effects.... so far).

Othwerwise, I'm so annoyed. In August I took a letter from Cyfle to my local council, and asked would we have to pay council tax, or pay less (seeing as this is a training scheme and not a fully paid job). They had no idea, said they would look into it, and shortly sent us letters saying that our property was exempt from tax until 2008. In October we got a letter asking for proof that there were students living in the house in order to claim tax exemption; a little strange considering we'd already been told that we were exempt. I went back to the council, and some blonde bitch had a poke round, called somone up, and now we're supposed to be getting different forms to fill in; these will apparently 'disregard' us from the tax stuff, but will still make us pay something on the house. WHICH IS RETARDED.

On top of all that, my bank is an arse. If you have a Student account, you can automatically have a Graduate account when you graduate. I never had a student account, so I asked if I could get a graduate one anyway. Sure, they said, just bring in your graduation certificate. So I did. Now some other person tells me that since I did not have a student account, I need the certificate AND proof that I have a job. Unsurprising, really, given the amount of utter crap I've had to put up with from this bank before.


Licensed to Sketch

The latest craze on DeviantART, and you can thank Stixman for that!



Next item on the list. All done in Photoshop. It's not very good...... but then I need the practice don't I? So there.


For Sale....

Basically I want to sell my old bass guitar. It's a black Tanglewood rebel 4-string, fairly good condition, active pickups. I don't need it as I have a Cruiser 5-string.
I shall post photos of it when I get home. Anyone interested?

In the meantime, got all inspired last night and drew this:



Here are some photos I managed to get off my mobile phone last night, shortly before my computer suddenly decided that the phone didn't exist anymore....


Back with the Drawz

I've been snowed under with work stuff lately, and haven't had time to do any nice drawings. Well that didn't stop me fucking out bunches of sketches, some of which are here. These are of a character I designed when I was about 16, and have been developing since; unfortunately it now bears a striking resemblance to someone from Ben 10. Shit.

Anyhow, went out twice for Hallowe'en this year, once as the Doctor and once as Eddie from Bottom (with my friend Allyn as Richie), while Kei made it as Little Red Riding Hood and the Queen of Hearts respectively. Much drinking ensued! And photos will soon follow.....

In the meantime, click below to see an Hilarious .gif!


A Monster For Terry

Just a quick sketch today. This is for a little competition that Terry is doing. Basically the details are thus: "Draw a portrait of this....thing: (head n shoulders), based on the following words:Alien, monster,skull, evil, ears, teeth, smile."


Lego Terminator

Found this on the interwebz today, and it's fucking awesome:


Breathe Again

Yo yo.
Another thingy for the list on DA:

Below is the original inked image, along with another version I was going to use:



This one is for my darling Kei; it's a picture of her character Cole, with an iguana that I have chosen to name Fred. Yet another art trade on DeviantART, i started it at around 11 this morning and got it finished by 5. Phew! That was hard going. And this is between finding out more from the company about our impending trip to an animation studio in Thailand, as well as trying some of their computer games.


Keeping the Juices Flowing

I'm excited because I've ordered a US import version of Phantom Hourglass, which should not only arrive before the game is released in this country, but was also a whole £10 cheaper; but i'm also quite anxious about it becasue there are apparently Royal Mail strikes going on this week =(

Anyhow, here's some art:

This here's a piece I did for an art jam on DeviantART, to draw yourself as a zombie (accompanied by some development sketches).


And this here's a pic of good old Cosmo, done for an art trade with Chip14 on DA. And some sketches, of course.
